Autumn News Letter

Dear Church
We’ve moved and survived the first month at our new building! Many thanks to those who have searched, haggled, organised and moved us in - We are really grateful for the unseen work. However, the real work starts now! Our vision for the church building is to be like a lens - It helps us to focus on God and draw close to him (Concave, on the left) and helps us reach out to Szeged
(Image is here)
As we move into the next phase of church, we cannot run church as we used. Some things have to change, somethings stop and new things will start. The most important thing to do is communicate. The best way to do this is directly - please feel free to email the eldership on vezető and we can catch up with you and deal with issues.
Also, we will be using an online booking system - If you would like to use the church, please send an email to foglalá and we will be in touch.
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