Winter News

As I (Andy) approach my forties(!!), I realise that I’m not in the body of my teens and that I’m carrying too much weight. I’ve tried to control my diet better, cutting things out which are unhealthy (they always seems to be the tastiest) but to no avail. So come the new year, I’ll be going to the gym with a friend and together, we will work out, have fun and make a real difference to our physiques. I also know from experience, that I will complain and whinge about hurting, being tired and sore for the first few weeks but when I see the results come in, the pain will be worth it.
In Sion, I feel from talking to people that we as a church want to be be more in 2016.more in the bible, more in community, more into Jesus and the prophetic. We are wanting a depth and perspective that maybe we have not had. This depth can’t be solely obtained from an abstinence of worldly things (ala dieting) but also requires actions (ala going to the gym). We as the church leadership want to help you guys grow deeper.
One of the ways which has really helped Andy over 2015 has been reading the bible in the year. There is the traditional pentecostal printed readings which will be available but also we will be producing an online version of the alpha Bible in a year - This is a phone/tablet friendly version which has links to the bible readings in hungarian and with space for online comments (it requires Disqus account). We also can produce a monthly and yearly offline version in hungarian or english. We will try to link the teaching with the weekly themes. Maybe you and friend could commit to reading the bible in a year and catch up with each other and the week’s reading over coffee.
Another way of getting deeper into christianity is through doing stuff and to encourage us, we will be studying the book of James for January before returning to Joshua in February. However, before we set off on our 2016 adventure, we remember the lesson of Joshua 9 and will talk to God. January will be a time of fasting and praying, the Elders will be retreating to seek God. We will not be officially praying together in special events but we strongly encourage you to find some people in Sion to meet and pray with. Please pass on to the eldership, any words which you feel are for the church.
All our Love
The Elders
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