Lent 2025

This week people in England will be eating their annual pancakes with lemon and sugar. They may even have pancake flipping competition and races! Others may have put soot on their forehead and other forsaken Coffee, chocolate or facebook! But is there more to lent then just not eating meat and cooking pancakes?
The 40 days before Easter are a traditional time for fasting and a time for breaking up the normal routine of life and seeking God in new way. Jesus wasn’t afraid of mixing things up. Jesus rode deliberately into Jerusalem, knowing that it would mean his death. He challenged people’s assumptions about the messiah, worship, relationships and God and at calvary, he went on to start the reconciliation of all creation to himself!
So here are some of the ways we are mixing it up before Easter at Sion
- Joint focus in prayer, worship and teaching - both corporate and individually. We will seek God and ask where do you want to mix it up for me? Give me a hunger for you, God; give me opportunities to talk about you with my friends/family; show me what I need to be doing now ….
- Guest worship leaders - We are going to ask people to lead worship at church. These may be people who don’t sing/play a musical instrument but will create a space for worship. They may not even lead from the front but plan everything!
- Prayer meetings from 9:30 -> 10 am every sunday. People wanted to pray more in church. This is the only time it can happen. Come early and pray
If you want to know more about fasting, praying, please email me and we can talk about it :)
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