Lockdown 2.0

Dear Church,

Lockdown is here and we can not meet in groups of more than 10. Like a good sermon, this email has three points:

  1. Small homegroups for the rest of the year - Its the law! The next two sundays, we will look at Luke 11:14-28 and 11:29-32. We have an exciting plan for Advent, I will send information next week. Sunday homegroup regulars at church are

    #. Andy #. Marti #. Helga #. Edit #. Istvan

    If you wish to join us, please let me know as we have limited space… we will turn away the 11th person so don’t be late!

  2. For Advent, I need all the following information for everyone in the church by the 22nd November. Only send information to me via email at andy@sionszeged.info

    • Name
    • Address
    • email address
    • Phone number
    • Video watching. We want to share videos with the church. We know some people don’t have/struggle with technology but we want everyone involved so we are offering 3 options
      • Online views via a link
      • USB stick
      • DVD

    I will deliver every week a fresh usb/dvd to everyone who needs this but I need everyone’s address

  3. Don’t suffer - This time is hard, please email/fb the church mailing lists. Please remember that we are all busy (I’ve a couple of jobs, young family and a farm! ) and may not reply but I guarantee that we read every message and pray about them. God hears the prayers of his saints!

With much love

Andy and the leaders

Közzétett: November 12, 2020

Frissített: November 12, 2020