
Autumn News Letter
Dear Church We’ve moved and survived the first month at our new building! Many thanks to those who have searched, haggled, organised and moved us in - We are really grateful for the unseen work. However, the real work starts now! Our vision for the church building is to be like a lens - It helps us to focus on God and draw close to him (Concave, on the left) and helps us reach out to Szeged Több

Őszi Hirlevel 2017
Kedves Gyülekezet! Elköltöztünk, és túléltük az első hónapot az új helyen. Óriási köszönetet érdemelnek, akik a helyet felkutatták, lealkudták a bérleti díjat, és megszervezték illetve lebonyolították az átköltözést! Nagyon hálásak vagyunk ezért a háttérben végzett munkáért. De a dolgok java most kezdődik csak igazán! Az új gyülekezeti helyre úgy tekintünk, mint egy lencsére - segít abban, hogy Istenre fókuszáljunk, hozzá közelebb kerüljünk (a képen balra), és segít abban, hogy a Szegeden lakó embereket elérjük (képen jobbra). Több

Nyári Körlevél
A körleveleimet általában egy kedves sztorival kezdem, amit aztán összekapcsolok a levél témájával. Most nem így teszek. A gyülekezet ugyanis nem igazán működik: az emberek nem elkötelezettek, akik pedig segítenek, lassan teljesen kiégnek. Nekünk szintén nagyon szoros az időbeosztásunk. A dolgoknak változniuk kell, ezért változtatni fogunk az együttlétek menetén. A dicsőítésre szánt idő és a prédikációk rövidebbek lesznek, és lesz az alkalomnak egy olyan közösségi része, amikor interaktívan beszélgethetünk az élet dolgairól és a prédikációval kapcsolatos Több

Winter News 2017
January is nearly finished and there looks to be no end to the coldness. I’m rubbish at spring cleaning. Every time I start a job, I get distracted by the old things that I find along the way and hours later, I have made a bigger mess and the initial job still needs to be done. This year will be a pivotal year for the church with lots of changes happening. Több

Autumn News
September is here and life returns to to a familiar rhythm after a hot summer. The new academic term brings lots of joys, funs, struggles and problems for both teachers and students. So far this year, Sion has looked at practical wisdom in James; taking the promised land with Joshua and who is Jesus in Mark’s Gospel. This autumn we will turn our attention to Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians and this will take us up to Advent. Több

The Gospel According To Columbo
Columbo is a great detective and loved over all the world - He even has a statue in Budapest. He looks messy and seems a bit distracted and completely disorganised but when he is about to leave the crime scene, he scratches his head and utters the famous phrase “Just one more thing” and asks a great question. He always gets his man or woman. Each episode unfolds in the same way. Több

Worship In Lent 2016
Category:News I drive from Balastya to Szeged so many times that I think that the car could drive itself home. I know all the bends and holes in the road. However, many a time I’ve wanted to go to Sandorfalva, I discovered that I am on my way to Szeged and need to turn around. It can be like that in church, we get used to a familiar road and routine that actually we miss where God is and continue on autopilot Több

Winter News
As I (Andy) approach my forties(!!), I realise that I’m not in the body of my teens and that I’m carrying too much weight. I’ve tried to control my diet better, cutting things out which are unhealthy (they always seems to be the tastiest) but to no avail. So come the new year, I’ll be going to the gym with a friend and together, we will work out, have fun and make a real difference to our physiques. Több

Autumn News 2015
Dear Church September is here, School has started and together, we start another academic year of life together. We have a friend who is living in Berlin and part of her renting contract is that she should open all the windows in her room and air the room. Whenever we had an ICF meeting in a german’s house, they would always open the windows whatever the weather was outside and freeze the small group! Több

Summer News
Hi Church I’m planning on writing to the church every three or so months just to talk about things going on in the next few months and how they work with our vision. Our house is currently being renovated and it is chaos. Workers come and go at all times of the day; Samm and I are currently living in ½ a room; it is noisy and everything has a thick layer of dust over it. Több