
Dear Church
2020 has been an interesting year – I think everyone in 2015 who wondered what they would be doing in 5 years time was completely wrong. COVID 19 has completely changed the rules of life this year and, despite the amazing vaccines, I suspect it will still be influencing things upto the summer of 2021! These social changes have dramatically impacted how we meet and interact as a church, How do we view these times and how do we respond? Firstly, COVID isn’t God’s judgement on the world and/or a means for him to call people to salvation. I believe this is a symptom of a fallen broken world which is longing for the return of its saviour. On reflection, I think this is a time for pruning. In the winter, Trees are cut back so that they can be more fruitful and abundant in season. I think this is a time where the church can reassess its priorities, roles and function in the community and allow itself to be reshaped by the master gardener. Hopefully, this time will not be too painful but we can hold onto the promises of God that he is working to shape us into being more fruitful.
The time between Christmas and the new year is an excellent time of year for us to explore, pray and think about all these things and see what God wants to do in our lives. The stories of the exiles returning from Babylon (Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah and Isaiah 55-66) may have some to say to us.
Also, The church needs some feedback re our current efforts to provide community. It would be wise for us to put efforts into streams which are actually being used and/or effective. Can you answer the following questions in an email to (not to facebook or the email list)
How/where do you currently engage in Sion’s community
- If you don’t engage in our Sunday gatherings, can you say why not?
How can you help us make our Covid communities better?
What changes can we make to improve the Community?
Much love
Andy and the leadership
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