Worship In Lent 2016

I drive from Balastya to Szeged so many times that I think that the car could drive itself home. I know all the bends and holes in the road. However, many a time I’ve wanted to go to Sandorfalva, I discovered that I am on my way to Szeged and need to turn around.
It can be like that in church, we get used to a familiar road and routine that actually we miss where God is and continue on autopilot
This lent we are doing something different to make sure that we are paying attention and following God - We are going to be having 6 weeks of music-free worship - We will not being singing! This doesn’t mean that we will be finishing church earlier or will be replacing the time with prayer or a time of sharing. Worship is so much more than music and we will be exploring this space together, there will be silence, writing, praying, drawing and many other forms…
I have no idea how this will work but we will find out together - Easter Sunday will be a MASSIVE PARTY of Worship and Praise - We will be big, loud and full of life and MUSIC!! (Remember, how good food tastes after a fast, this is how it will be!)
If you want to help out, please get in touch with Me
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