Lent 2025
This week people in England will be eating their annual pancakes with lemon and sugar. They may even have pancake flipping competition and races! Others may have put soot on their forehead and other forsaken Coffee, chocolate or facebook! But is there more to lent then just not eating meat and cooking pancakes? The 40 days before Easter are a traditional time for fasting and a time for breaking up the normal routine of life and seeking God in new way. Több
This week people in England will be eating their annual pancakes with lemon and sugar. They may even have pancake flipping competition and races! Others may have put soot on their forehead and other forsaken Coffee, chocolate or facebook! But is there more to lent then just not eating meat and cooking pancakes? The 40 days before Easter are a traditional time for fasting and a time for breaking up the normal routine of life and seeking God in new way. Több
2025 - A weboldal frissítésének éve
Üdvözlök mindenkit, Elég rosszul tartottam ezt a weboldalt naprakészen. A prédikációk online vannak, de lassú voltam a frissítésükben. Megpróbálok majd itt is többet posztolni, frissítéseket és új híreket közölni. keressetek meg minket a kapcsolatfelvételi oldalon keresztül, vagy gyertek el és csatlakozzatok hozzánk egy vasárnapon Szegeden.
Üdvözlök mindenkit, Elég rosszul tartottam ezt a weboldalt naprakészen. A prédikációk online vannak, de lassú voltam a frissítésükben. Megpróbálok majd itt is többet posztolni, frissítéseket és új híreket közölni. keressetek meg minket a kapcsolatfelvételi oldalon keresztül, vagy gyertek el és csatlakozzatok hozzánk egy vasárnapon Szegeden.
2025 - The year of updating the webpage
Hi everyone, I’ve been rather rubbish at keep this website updated. We have the sermons online but I’ve been slow at keeping them updated. I’ll try and post here a bit more too, providing update and new Please reach out to us via our contact page or come and join us on a Sunday in Szeged
Hi everyone, I’ve been rather rubbish at keep this website updated. We have the sermons online but I’ve been slow at keeping them updated. I’ll try and post here a bit more too, providing update and new Please reach out to us via our contact page or come and join us on a Sunday in Szeged
Sion Goes on Holiday
Every year, Sion church goes on holiday for 2 weeks. This holiday coincides within the week of August 20th - The founding of Hungary. So, there are no church meetings on the 13th and 20th August Please rest, enjoy the space and feel free to visit many of our sister churches in Szeged. They are all lovely! We will be back on the 27th ready for the new academic year!
Every year, Sion church goes on holiday for 2 weeks. This holiday coincides within the week of August 20th - The founding of Hungary. So, there are no church meetings on the 13th and 20th August Please rest, enjoy the space and feel free to visit many of our sister churches in Szeged. They are all lovely! We will be back on the 27th ready for the new academic year!
Moving into 2023
2023 is here! Hurrah! This season, we are going to be deep diving into Prayer. We’ve 20+ sessions looking at a wide variety of bible passages which focus on prayer and there will be dedicated time for prayer in the services. I’m waiting to see what can happen :)
2023 is here! Hurrah! This season, we are going to be deep diving into Prayer. We’ve 20+ sessions looking at a wide variety of bible passages which focus on prayer and there will be dedicated time for prayer in the services. I’m waiting to see what can happen :)
Lent News 2022
Hi Church I was planning to write and give an update for lent but the world changing events in the Ukraine have changed all of that! I was asked what the church’s vision is … We love Jesus and we love the world. We stand against the darkness and together, we work to bring the Kingdom of God closer. So we will Pray - The bible is full of stories that God moves against an insurmountable force. Több
Hi Church I was planning to write and give an update for lent but the world changing events in the Ukraine have changed all of that! I was asked what the church’s vision is … We love Jesus and we love the world. We stand against the darkness and together, we work to bring the Kingdom of God closer. So we will Pray - The bible is full of stories that God moves against an insurmountable force. Több
HNY 2022
One of the things of working in Hungary is the Doctor examination to make sure you are fit for work.It’s a nice idea but I’ve had many experiences ranging from the ridiculous (do at least 1+ hour of exercise per day everyday) to the invisible ( just sign here please…) The start of a new year gives us an ideal opportunity to reexamine our health,life and choices. This year, we are going to look at the 7 churches in revelations and see how healthy they were and how this applies to us as individuals and as the church Több
One of the things of working in Hungary is the Doctor examination to make sure you are fit for work.It’s a nice idea but I’ve had many experiences ranging from the ridiculous (do at least 1+ hour of exercise per day everyday) to the invisible ( just sign here please…) The start of a new year gives us an ideal opportunity to reexamine our health,life and choices. This year, we are going to look at the 7 churches in revelations and see how healthy they were and how this applies to us as individuals and as the church Több
Dear Church 2020 has been an interesting year – I think everyone in 2015 who wondered what they would be doing in 5 years time was completely wrong. COVID 19 has completely changed the rules of life this year and, despite the amazing vaccines, I suspect it will still be influencing things upto the summer of 2021! These social changes have dramatically impacted how we meet and interact as a church, How do we view these times and how do we respond? Több
Dear Church 2020 has been an interesting year – I think everyone in 2015 who wondered what they would be doing in 5 years time was completely wrong. COVID 19 has completely changed the rules of life this year and, despite the amazing vaccines, I suspect it will still be influencing things upto the summer of 2021! These social changes have dramatically impacted how we meet and interact as a church, How do we view these times and how do we respond? Több
Summer News 2019
Hi Church Sorry that there has not been much communication recently, Hopefully, there won’t be such a long wait until the next update! Church is still working our way through the book of exodus and the narrative really fits our church’s growth. We are moving from a family to being a larger tribe. This means that things are changing for the better and we need better organisation for this to happen. Több
Hi Church Sorry that there has not been much communication recently, Hopefully, there won’t be such a long wait until the next update! Church is still working our way through the book of exodus and the narrative really fits our church’s growth. We are moving from a family to being a larger tribe. This means that things are changing for the better and we need better organisation for this to happen. Több
Autumn News Letter
Dear Church We’ve moved and survived the first month at our new building! Many thanks to those who have searched, haggled, organised and moved us in - We are really grateful for the unseen work. However, the real work starts now! Our vision for the church building is to be like a lens - It helps us to focus on God and draw close to him (Concave, on the left) and helps us reach out to Szeged Több
Dear Church We’ve moved and survived the first month at our new building! Many thanks to those who have searched, haggled, organised and moved us in - We are really grateful for the unseen work. However, the real work starts now! Our vision for the church building is to be like a lens - It helps us to focus on God and draw close to him (Concave, on the left) and helps us reach out to Szeged Több